1. Python WHL naming and platforms

    Mon 25 September 2017
    By stu

    Experimenting with Pypy, I wanted to try Panda3D - while its WHL builds OK,

    attempting to install it generates an error about the platform -

    $ pip install ./panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
    panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.

    Pypys CPython support keeps improving so I wanted to …

    Tagged as : python
  2. Dronetronics VJ Set, Taipei.

    Fri 12 February 2016
    By stu

    Here is a pic from my first VJ outing, for Dronetronics, in Taipei, back in December.

    IMG_0340_4-cropped {: .alignnone .size-full .wp-image-526 width="681" height="485"}

    Lars from Dronetronics got in contact 2 hours before the gig, to see if I had anything for a gig at a studio not far away.   I …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  3. Progress: end-to-end music vis working

    Tue 06 October 2015
    By stu

    Initial versions of all the parts of my music vis / VJ tool are now in place:

    The midi controller connected to a python program, which sends OSC to the separate music vis (still the smilies).

    Now, I need to go back and rebuild/polish some of the more prototypey bits …

    Tagged as : python
  4. PSA - Use 'SNA' if you are on optimus

    Mon 05 October 2015
    By stu

    "Optimus" is the tech where your laptop has an Intel AND an Nvidia card, the amount of problems this can cause are more than the sum of the parts on Linux.

    Trying to run apps on the Nvidia card had all sorts of issues until I switched the intel card …

  5. Android NDK Notes

    Sun 05 July 2015
    By stu

    Some notes on NDK problems I've had to overcome in the last few days, there are bound to be corrections needed, I'll try and update these based on any comments.

    Environment variables

    Various scripts use different ones to discover the location of the NDK - so don't be surprised when you …

  6. Up to date on videos

    Tue 07 April 2015
    By stu

    Real lift has got in the way of doing much graphics work recently, however I've now caught up and uploaded a bunch of videos.. (it also took quite a while to get scripts for creating the same videos, with sound working).

    Audio Reactive Critters

    Graphics experiments

    Rendering fat lines with …

  7. Progress so far

    Sat 28 March 2015
    By stu

    I've been pretty busy so far doing laying the groundwork for my audiovisual project. I've got the architecture worked out, so ones this stage 0 is complete I can start coding it.

    Uploaded, 2 videos using shoebot... 4 others waiting to be uploaded.

    Soft Released:


    https://github.com/stuaxo …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  8. Wifi + Moving Country

    Sat 28 March 2015
    By stu

    If you are on linux and having trouble with WIFI in a new country it might be worth letting it know what country you are in - on debian/ubuntu edit the file
    /etc/default/crda and update the country code.

    Tagged as : note

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