Here is a pic from my first VJ outing, for Dronetronics, in Taipei, back in December.
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Lars from Dronetronics got in contact 2 hours before the gig, to see if I had anything for a gig at a studio not far away. I quickly repurposed my smilies test vis (see previous post) to be suitable for Drone Music.
- Removing the smilies
- Added functionality to change the graphic when a button was pressed
- Removed the OSC control - due to how sensitive the APC Mini sliders were, it looked quite amateurish (as they pick up every jolt as you move).
- Put in new graphics (here, I only had time to find some black and white ideograms of a skull and a 'warning') sign plus an "X" I drew in the two minutes before the gig.
- Added an option for graphics to wrap around (in the taxi on the way to the gig).
In the end, it was a great learning experience VJing for the first time, from the tech through to the setup.
With thanks to Dronetronics and the studio crew at UUMouth Studio.
Sourcecode for the vis will go up shortly.