1. Dronetronics VJ Set, Taipei.

    Fri 12 February 2016
    By stu

    Here is a pic from my first VJ outing, for Dronetronics, in Taipei, back in December.

    IMG_0340_4-cropped {: .alignnone .size-full .wp-image-526 width="681" height="485"}

    Lars from Dronetronics got in contact 2 hours before the gig, to see if I had anything for a gig at a studio not far away.   I …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  2. Progress so far

    Sat 28 March 2015
    By stu

    I've been pretty busy so far doing laying the groundwork for my audiovisual project. I've got the architecture worked out, so ones this stage 0 is complete I can start coding it.

    Uploaded, 2 videos using shoebot... 4 others waiting to be uploaded.

    Soft Released:


    https://github.com/stuaxo …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  3. Daily graphic 2

    Tue 17 March 2015
    By stu

    Todays daily graphic I'm getting familiar with grids (in shoebot), Vector maths from the planar library .. this started from the grid example from shoebot / nodebox.

    Shoebot Code Below the fold

    ``` {: .brush:python} """ Grid of arrows that point towards the mouse pointer.

    Uses planar library for Vec2, angles. """

    Based on grid- …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  4. Everyday graphic

    Mon 16 March 2015
    By stu

    Not sure how practical it is, but will try and upload a new graphic everyday .. to start with will probably be quite basic :) Here is the first, some moving granular thingies..

    Shoebot code:

    ``` {: .brush:python} import random from math import sin, cos

    size(800, 800) colours=ximport("colors")

    def draw …

    Tagged as : creative coding python
  5. Shoebot experiment - perlin noise..

    Fri 05 April 2013
    By stu

    Perlin noise is pretty cool, you can use it to generate realistic looking clouds or mountains.

    Here's a bot for shoebot I made a while back that uses perlin noise to generate some nice circles.

    You'll need shoebot and the lib "noise" installed into your environment for it to work …

    Tagged as : creative coding python

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