Articles by stu

  1. What's in a name?

    Tue 01 April 2008
    By stu

    ...or why "my" is not a valid prefix for a variable

    While I'm greatful for examples like this J2Me GameCanvas example I'm not so happy about this bit of it:

    /** Starts the canvas by firing up a thread
    public void start() {
    Thread myThread = new Thread(this);

    // Make sure we know …

  2. Date for wine 1.0 release announced

    Tue 01 April 2008
    By stu

    The Wine project has been going since 1993, and has got to the point where a large percentage of windows programs run well in linux.

    A perennial question is when 1.0 will be released, excitingly it looks like this will be sooner than we thought - as seen from their …

  3. Playing a sound in pygame

    Sun 24 February 2008
    By stu

    It can be useful to test sounds in your current engine (esp for testing MOD support), so I've made a tiny sound player for pygame. The code is just this:

    import sys, pygame
    from pygame.locals import *
    import pygame.mixer
    if __name__=="__main__":
        pygame.display.set_mode((120, 120), DOUBLEBUF | HWSURFACE …
    Tagged as : creative coding python
  4. Vista vs Blender

    Wed 20 February 2008
    By stu

    The good news is, my laptop can run the Blender game engine at a decent framerate.

    The bad news is I found out that is the Vista taskbar that more than halves it.  I run without Aero, as Aero completely borks OpenGL (quite apart from the fact that Vista limits …

  5. The One to Pick up

    Mon 18 February 2008
    By stu

    My dad found this old advert for the Osbourne I... at only £1250 + Vat (and with a free 12 Inch amber for a limited time), this is The One To pickup... or not as they were never popular. Weighing in at "below 24lb" (10 Kilos!) this was a proper computer …

  6. Sunlight Soap

    Tue 12 February 2008
    By stu

    As our washing machine broke, I was in the Laundrette where I saw this on the wall -


    The writing on the bottom says

    £1000 Reward!

    Will be given to any person who can prove that this soap manufactured by Lever Bros.
    Port Sunlight on Mersey
    Contains any form of adulteration …

  7. Phonetorch

    Sat 09 February 2008
    By stu

    While trying to find some good freeware to use the flash on my phone as a torch, I stumbled across a couple of nice apps

    Obex Commander for sending files to your phone over bluetooth.

    YBrowser a Series 60 file manager (you can do useful things like send multiple files …

  8. Blue proximity

    Sat 09 February 2008
    By stu

    This is very cool - lock and unlock your computer depending on your phone being in bluetooth range.

    Next time I'm in linux I'll definately have to play with it. Something I've been wanting to do is automatically rotate the songs on the memory card of the phone …

  9. 2 gig not enough

    Thu 17 January 2008
    By stu


    While browsing on the train today, I hit my data limit of 2gb, so now I can't check my email or browse until the 24th!

    Maybe it's time to check in the internet addiction for a couple of hours a day read some books?

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